Friends: Lance Martin

I am going to take the liberty of expressing my freedom of speech by letting my friends know about one of my greatest friends....Lance. I met Lance and his beautiful family I think sometime in the spring/summer of 2011. We met at Banner Thunderbird Physical Therapy Center where we both had went through the BIG program, which is a program designed for people with Parkinson's Disease to help them with their agility, balance, coordination, and stretching, and to help them extend and strengthen themselves to be able to combat the effects PD has on us.

Lance and his family had originally become associated with the therapists at Banner when they had participated in one of the Optimism 5K events that Banner sponsors in conjunction with the AZAPDA, Arizona Chapter American Parkinson Disease Association, when they had traveled over to Arizona from Southern California to participate in it. He was discovered by them and was invited to come to their program to get positive effects of the program that is so greatly needed. When I met Lance, they had returned for a refresher course and as I was just finishing my program, they had earlier told me about Lance, and what a great person he is, and decided to have him and I have a little friendly competition on our last day of the course.

Needless to say, the moment I saw Lance and his great smile, I knew I had to get to know him better. And then his wife Laura came into the room, and I saw her beautiful personality radiating from her, and knew that my family had to be friends with his family!

We soon made contact again after they were returning to their home in California, and the opportunity to have a friendship immediately transpired. We share common interests and we have great families. We support each other through our PD challenges. Lance is a man of great character, kindness, compassion, and has a genuine bubble of goodness surrounding him.

One of the greatest blessings associated with my diagnosis of Parkinson Disease, is the great new friendships that have resulted with many different people, with or without PD. Lance, if I have embarrassed you a little, so be it! You deserve it and the rest of the world needs to know about you.

Lance, diagnosed with PD around the age of 40. He is a husband, a father, a school teacher, a great friend.

Love you brother Lance!


  1. i was diagnosed of parkinson disease 5 years ago,i started azilect,then mirapex as the disease progressed in february last year,and i started on parkinson disease herbal medicine from ultimate life clinic,few months into the treatment i made a significant recovery,almost all my symptoms are gone,great improvement with my movement and balance,it been a year and life has been so good for me,reach them through there website at


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