My "Ultimate" PD Diagnosis
The Victory Summit January 26, 2013 The opportunity to be nominated and selected by my peers to receive this award is truly a humbling experience. As I have known about this for a few weeks, I have had the opportunity to pull some thoughts to share today. Five years ago in early 2008, I received that diagnosis of having Parkinson’s disease. Since then, I have been able to experience many new activities, meet many wonderful people, and get involved in events, support groups, committees, that I never would have thought to be involved with had I not been challenged with PD. I’m not indicating that one should seek for a PD Diagnosis in order to have experiences as I’ve had! There are so many individuals, groups that I need to honor with the receiving of this award: First, to the Davis Phinney Foundation and Victory Summit members, I thank you for your great work, enthusiasm, and passion for helping those with Parkinson’s disease and their families deal...